Change The Campus & Change The World

Reaching the next generation in every nation

Genriel Santiago
3 min readApr 26, 2022

I hope this article finds you well. I would like to share with you the exciting things happening today at Every Nation Campus Malolos, Philippines.

I know that the campus is the most strategic field, which is why I believe that the Lord has called me to proclaim the gospel here as a campus missionary with Every Nation Philippines, and that now is the greatest moment to invest our lives in accomplishing our Lord Jesus Christ’s Great Commission.

Since I was a college student, I have witnessed a lot of stories of young people’s lives being transformed by the gospel, reaching out to their families, and making an impact on the world. Like them, I was a student who didn’t care about society and the people around him and was only consumed by ideas about finding acceptance and value in our culture. But because of God’s grace, I found my purpose and realized that I have a mission to change the generation where I belong and the next to come.

After graduation, I got a job as a Multimedia Designer in a marketing tech company. After three years of hard work, I was assigned to handle the internship program of our company. I got to train and mentor college students with work etiquette, “real-world” skills, and life in general. As I listened to them, I started to have a burden to preach the gospel. I got reminded of my life before I became a Christian, and I realized that I would have never known the meaning of life if I had not been reached out to. It took a lot of prayers until God confirmed that He was leading me into full-time ministry — reaching out to the next generation.

Therefore, I am now working as a campus missionary serving in our church in one of the provinces here in the Philippines, specifically in Malolos City, Bulacan. What I will do together with a team is to have weekly Bible studies, facilitate L.I.F.E. classes (Leadership, Integrity, Faith & Excellence), plan and organize campus outreaches in the universities here in the province. We also lead small groups, have personal meet-ups with the senior high and college students, and engage as many students as possible to preach the gospel. Just thinking about all these activities, I can’t help but get more excited as I do the mission here in the Philippines!

You can be part of this tremendous yet exciting mission to reach the future leaders of the nation for them to get to know Christ! The staff of Every Nation has the opportunity and responsibility to develop the necessary funding to cover their involvement in the ministry. Each staff member has a team of partners joining the Great Commission and their ministry assignment through prayers and financial support.

Yes, it is such a big task, and it can only be accomplished through partnership. As a partner, you will work with us in fulfilling the Great Commission. Together with Every Nation, you not only invest in the Great Commission, but we also have a ministry together that will make a significant impact on this generation and the next to come.

Would you at this time prayerfully consider joining me in reaching the next generation for Jesus through a monthly investment of $100, $50, or $25?

You may give your donation here at:

Reaching this generation for Jesus,

Genriel Santigo
Campus Missionary

Every Nation Campus Philippines

14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” ROMANS 10:14,15



Genriel Santiago
Genriel Santiago

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